
I added some privacy film clings to the windows in the shower/bathtub areas. Let me know if those suffice. There were curtains there previously, but–dear lord, NO! The idea of having curtains near a shower, available to accumulate overspray and eventually harbour mold–was utterly repugnant. The privacy film was a civilized upgrade; however, I am not sure whether they obscure enough. In other words–I don’t know how tall folks are. I think they should be ok for modesty’s sake.

Now–just so you are aware, the bathrooms are ok-ish, but they will need to be redone at some stage. The tile around the bathtub areas is atrocious–but don’t let me get into it. I do have plans and designs in the works.

Moreover, I want to feature more environmentally sustainable goodies, including handmade soaps made from essential oils collected from various plants native to Southern California. I’ve also entertained the idea of having handmade deodorant among other sundries. Altogether–these ambitious designs take time to implement, so improvements shall be rolled out on an incremental basis. I’ll also update the Repairs/Upgrades section with any nifty new developments.