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Coloring Stuff 4 Kids & Adults!
I made some coloring pages for people visiting the Quiz Cottage so that they have nifty activities to partake with their children. These are some of my characters from various published books, writing projects, and concepts for an RPG video game. Enjoy! PLEASE post your finished colored pictures on Instagram, #quizcottage, #adventofannihilation and #legionsoflight or…
Luck is what you make it
So–initially I had to deal with my tire randomly flying off while en route to the Quiz Cottage. Apparently the tire was worn out. It was difficult to identify that the tire had issues because the noise of a loppy tire is disguised by the noise of uneven road surfaces along HWY 10. Fortunately I…
Smacks – The Frog
December 2019, I discovered that one of the drainage problems needed immediate attention. Thus, I ended moving 3300lbs of concrete and pea gravel to address the issue. While I was pouring concrete during the sleet, a wittle froggie struggled across my path. I tried to clean the frog off and set it back along its…